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Our honey bees are on hiatus at the moment. Join the Hive for more updates, and please donate!
Our honey bees are on hiatus at the moment. Join the Hive for more updates, and please donate!

Why do we fight?

The mission of BeeCauseWeCare is to use the special gifts of the honeybee to give back to those most in need, children. Through our work, we are tirelessly committed to improving the outcomes of the young and misfortunate who are worthy of living a dignified and fulfilled life.

Read Isabella's Story

Charities We Support

No. 2

Cancer is the second leading cause of death in children ages 1 to 14.


Across the world, about 1 in 3 children lack basic necessities like nutrition or clean water.

1 in 15

Almost 1 in every 15 children in developing countries dies before the age of 5 from hunger-related causes.


Females account for 27% of workers in STEM-qualified industries and made, on average, 19% less than men.

Charities that Change the Course of Children’s Lives

BeeCauseWeCare supports charities who work tirelessly to stomp out education gaps for young girls, reverse childhood mortality, expand personal hygiene, and inspire girl power.

St. Jude Children's
Research Hospital

Children's Hunger Fund

Girls Helping Girls. Period.

Girls Who Code

Hi! I'm Isabella.

I believe that if we can inspire others to take better care of the earth and show the importance of how necessary bees are to our environment, there's nothing we can't do together to make a change in our world.


Our Donation to St. Jude's

Isabella Polit and her family presenting a check for $12,375 at the St. Judes Children's Hospital Gala