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Girls Helping Girls. Period.

The mission of Girls Helping Girls. Period. is to donate a year's supply of products to every friend they help because let's face it, if your family is struggling to make ends meet... a box of products is wonderful, but a year's supply, is a true gift. GHGP collects unopened boxes of products and distributes them to people in need, through food pantries, schools’ systems, and outreach programs.

In the United States...

While you can buy, using SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) benefits, food items including bread, fruits, vegetables, meats, fish, poultry, and dairy products... you cannot buy toilet paper, diapers, tooth paste, shampoo, deodorant or feminine hygiene products.

Approximately 70% of women of menstruating age in the United States use tampons. A woman may use more than 16,000 tampons in her life.

Most states carry a sales tax on feminine hygiene products. (35 as of 3/19)

Some women have reported giving up their food stamps for money to buy tampons.

At Girls Helping Girls. Period. they believe feminine hygiene is a matter of basic health. And human dignity.

To learn more about Girls Helping Girls. Period., click here.

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