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As a very young girl, Isabella Polit had the opportunity to experience life on her family’s organic plantation in Ecuador. There she developed a fascination and love for animals, nature, and even insects.

She came to appreciate how when you properly tend to the earth, rewards in the form of harvest and abundance can provide sustenance. A colony of bees began to pollinate the family’s palm oil and cacao trees allowing the farm to produce rich palm oil and chocolate.

As a young budding environmentalist, she became fixated on the many benefits of the bee. Bees are perfectly adapted to pollinate, helping plants grow, breed, and produce food. Bees transfer pollen between flowering plants and turn the cycle of life and bees are responsible for providing the world with almonds, vanilla, apples, squashes, and more.

How could such a small insect, feared by many, do such a big job for humanity?

Her time in Ecuador also exposed her to the realities that not all children were as fortunate, and she witnessed many living in poverty and going without basic necessities. She championed a father-daughter mission in Ecuador with nine close girlfriends and together, they helped rebuild and paint churches and schools. During this work, Isabella also delivered school supplies to 2nd grade children.

Inspired, Isabella asked her mother and father if she could start a bee colony on their stateside horse ranch in Homestead, Florida. She wanted to educate her friends and the masses about bees while helping those most in need. Her parents said yes and BeeCauseWeCare was born.

Our Mission

The mission of BeeCauseWeCare is to use the special gifts of the honeybee to give back to those most in need, children. Through our work, we are tirelessly committed to improving the outcomes of the young and misfortunate who are worthy of living a dignified and fulfilled life. Visit Our Media Page.

  • St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital protects children from the dire consequences of cancer so they can live a life full of happiness and opportunity.
  • Children’s Hunger Fund feeds hungry children so their bodies can be nourished and given a chance to be a child.
  • Girls Who Code helps educate bright young minds to think without bounds and excel in the STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math).
  • Girls Helping Girls. Period shields girls from falling behind in school due to a lack of proper sanitation supplies.

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